Pine Hills Web

Pine Hills Web Design

Personal and Small Business Website Design

Local Campaigns

Local elections are won or loss based on the strength of a candidate's message. The best place to showcase your message is on your own clean and modern site. Feature your messages and state your positions front and center with links to your social media handles and donation portals with picture galleries and videos.

We know the importance of hitting the ground running and we'll work with you to get your site up and active as fast as possible.

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Personal Sites

Whether you want to start a blog, showcase pictures or art, or simply have a small presence on the web, we've got you covered. We'll work with you to bring your vision to the web.

We will add exactly what you need to get your site up and going. From image galleries to youtube videos and more!

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Small and Medium Businesses

Whether your a new or established business, having a website to showcase your products is essential to controlling your brand. Display images, products, and events that represent the best aspects of your business.

Your business reflects your hard work and effort. We understand that level of commitment and will work with you to bring showcase your brand through your website.

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Who We Are

We are PineHillsWeb and we're a small group of web designers who have several years of experience building a variety of websites. Recently we decided to turn our passion into a new adventure. Our philosophy is to aid others like us who are just starting out. We'll be honest regarding our ability to deliver on your vision and work with you to make it happen.

Today there tons of resources one click away that allow anyone to build and design their own website. So why would you want to let someone else to build your site? The main reason is: time. You can spend your time focusing on your passion and we'll focus on designing your site the way you want.

We use web servers located in the Capital Region to host your website. This decreases the time it takes to transfer the data and reduces the time needed to load your webpage for anyone looking at your site in the capital region.

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What We Do

Like any project, we make sure to use the right tools and only include features that our clients want. We can create custom designed templates or modify an existing one. Our goal is to create websites that are clean and crisp, modern, and load fast.

Modern websites have a lot of moving parts such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, SEO, Blogs, etc... It's our job to ensure that the pieces are put together correctly so that your site looks good on mobile phones and personal computers, items are properly placed, and that your site is SEO optimized.

If you come to us with a design in hand or just an idea we'll work with you to figure out the best path forward.

If you'd like to know more reach out to us anytime.